on this one, the decoration id done by me
Huge inspiration alert! The colors, the combination of white and light blue...ah to die for. I'm biggest fan of navy and simplicity, so when i saw this editorial, i knew i was in heaven. And when you add the natural materials (such as cotton, silk..etc) to simplicity and classic you know you're on the right track.
Plus there is something sooo sexy in all this simplicity and effortless.....something tells me this inspiration won't hold me only this summer, but to the rest of my life.
Veliko inspiracijsko upozorenje! Boje, kombinacija bele i svetlo plave....ah za umreti! Ja sam najveci fan mornarskog i jednostavnosti...kad sam videla ovaj editorijal, znala sam da sam u raju. A kada dodate prirodne materijale (poput pamuka, svile...) jednostavnosti i klasici znate da ste na pravom putu.
Plus ima necega takooo sexy u svoj ovoj jednostavnosti i nemarljivosti...nesto mi govori da me ova inspiracija nece drzati samo ovo leto, vec do kraja mog zivota.
Editorial from Elle - July 2012
Credits for added photos in the last photo:
indeed like white and light blue :)