photo taken by my bf Nikolina
Gosh, It's been like two weeks since I wrote. I guess those weeks were pretty busy for me, but now i'm back!
So, this week was just perfect in every sense! The weather, the autumn feeling, and the Sun. Oh, I enjoyed every second of that week! It was warm, my mood was dreamy and my mp4 was filled with Coldplay songs. They were just perfect for that type of atmosphere...the atmosphere that reminded me of paradise!
More photos later....
Prošle su dve nedelje od kako nisam pisala. Izgleda da su te nedelje bile prilično naporne za mene, ali sada sam se vratila!
Dakle, ova nedelja je bila prosto savršena za mene, u svakom smislu! Vreme, jesenji osećaj, i Sunce. Oh, uživala sam u svakoj sekundi ove nedelje! Bilo je toplo, moje raspoloženje je bilo sanjivo a moj mp4 je bio prepun Coldplay pesama. One su bile savršene za taj tip atmosfere...atmosfere koja me je podcetila na raj!
Više fotografija kasnije....
great photo dear!ike it!!
hair !!!!
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